Salem Chamber Podcast

Salem Chamber Podcast - Episode 1 - Tim Davis

Salem Area Chamber of Commerce with Guest Tim Davis Episode 1

A Conversation with Tim Davis, Founder and CEO of Valor Mentoring and Owner of The REC

Tim Davis’ easy demeanor, unrelenting vision, and tendency as a “raging extrovert” make for a most enjoyable podcast conversation. He shares how his childhood experiences and the key mentors in his life have shaped his journey. Valor Mentoring and The REC are mission-filled endeavors rooted in community and the idea that through mentoring, people in our community will be better equipped to make healthy life choices. From how he structures his life, to his incredible self-awareness and guiding purpose in life, you won’t want to miss this conversation with Tim Davis.

Learn more about The REC:
Learn more about Valor Mentoring:

The Salem Chamber is a 501 C (6) not-for-profit organization representing nearly 1,100 businesses in the greater Salem area.

For additional information, visit

The Salem Chamber Podcast is a production by Chamber staff members Lena Prine (Director of Business Advocacy) and Dan Johnson (Marketing & Communications Manager).

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